Zweites „Ventotene Forum“ mit Jugendlichen aus ganz Europa erfolgreich abgeschlossen
Die 100 Teilnehmer*innen kamen aus Sachsen (Deutschland), Latium (Italien), Andalusien (Spanien), Okzitanien (Frankreich), Flandern (Belgien), Niederschlesien und Lebus (Polen) sowie der Tschechischen Republik. Sie diskutierten mit Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft und entwickelten gemeinsam Standpunkte zu Antwortmöglichkeiten des Föderalismus auf Nationalismus und die Krise der Demokratie in Europa, die Rolle der Europäischen Union in Zeiten des Krieges, und den unverzichtbaren Beitrag der europäischen Regionen für den Erfolg der EU.
Das »Ventotene Forum« 2024 ist eine gemeinsame Initiative des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums der Justiz und für Demokratie, Europa und Gleichstellung (SMJusDEG), der Europa Union Sachsen, des Junge Europäische Föderalist:innen Sachsen e. V., sowie der Young European Federalists Europe, Italy und Lazio. Das seit 2022 laufende »Ventotene Forum« steht unter der Schirmherrschaft des Präsidenten Latiums. Die Veranstalter bedanken sich für die großzügige Förderung durch das Deutsch-Französische Jugendwerk, das Außenministerium der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie die Region Okzitanien.
Join us at the Ventotene Forum in Rome – April 2024:
From the 6th until the 9th of April 2024, 100 European citizens, institutions, and organisations from all over Europe will shape the future of Europe. Be a part of the second Ventotene Forum in Ventotene and Rome!
The Saxon State Ministry of Justice, Democracy, European Affairs and Gender Equality, the
Europa-Union Saxony and JEF Saxony, JEF Lazio, JEF Italy and JEF Europe invite you to join the seminar for young Europeans between 18 and 35.
After the successful first Ventotene Forum in Dresden, Saxony in 2022, we are happy to develop this format further with two key innovations. Firstly, we invite participants from Saxon partner regions in 7 EU-member states to join this inter-regional European citizens’ dialogue. Secondly, we return to the roots: Ventotene – one of the birthplaces of the federal movement in Europe.
We will start on the island of Ventotene and continue in Rome – the “first European capital” – and discuss subjects from the European elections and our roles in forming a future of Europe, to the challenges of propaganda and war on information in times of conflict.
Join us from April 6th to 9th 2024 (April 5th is the recommended day of arrival) in Rome and Ventotene Island.
Conditions of participation and registration:
Participants must be aged 18+. Please apply via the from here (deadline 06.03.2024).
Since the number of participants is limited to 100 we reserve the right to select participants. We will inform you about your acceptance / rejection by 10.03.2024.
The event will be held in English. Therefore, good English skills are an important requirement to participate. It is within the discretion of participants to judge if they fulfill this requirement. Translation will not be provided.
Travel cost, catering and accomodation:
Catering during the day and accommodation will be organised and covered for all participants. Hotel rooms nearby the seminar venue will be booked for the nights 5. – 9. April 2024 (5.-6. April in Formia, 6.-7. April in Ventotene, 7.-9. April in Rome., roots will be shared by 2 to 4 people) for all selected participants that have requested accommodation. If you wish to stay longer, please organise the extra nights privately.
Participants traveling to Formia (starting point to travel to Ventotene) will be granted a lump sum financial contribution to their travel cost up to 275.00 €. Please organise your journey privately and pay for the tickets in advance.
During the event you will receive a form for the reimbursement application. You will receive the reimbursement after the event.
The recommended day and time of arrival is Friday the 5th of April in the evening in Formia to enable the group to travel to Ventotene. We will provide a meeting point at Roma Termini on Friday late afternoon (details tba).
Program (subject to change):
Das Programm zu Download gibt’s hier.
Day of arrival: Friday, 5. April 2024
We will meet in Formia for the first night and travel to the Island of Ventotene together on Saturday, 6. April 2024
Day 1: Saturday, 6. April
Boat to Ventotene (details tba)
11.00 – Welcome and program overview
12.00 – Input: European elections and promoting democracy
13.00 – Lunch
15.00 – Workshop European Citizenship: regions and citizens as actors of European reforms
17.00 – Panel discussion: Federalism vs. nationalism in relation to democracy and peace
Day 2: Sunday, 7. April
10.00 – Roundtables: The return of war – The role of EU and UN during times of war: limits and perspectives.
11.30 – Presentation roundtables
12.30 – Lunch
Ventotene Island exploration and history
15.00 – travel back to Rome (boat and bus)
Day 3: Monday, 8. April
09.00 – Keynote speeches
10.00 – Input: Echo chambers, social media and propaganda
11.00 – Workshop: How to navigate the war on information?
12.30 – Lunch
14.00 – cultural program in Rome (tba)
18.00 – Keynote speeches
19.15 – Get together / dinner with political actors
Day 4: Tuesday, 9. April
10.00 – End discussion and summary: presentation of results
12.00 – Closing remarks
12.45 – End of event